How to appreciate employees so they feel valued
We’ve all heard how important it is to appreciate employees. When employees feel appreciated and valued, they’re more satisfied, motivated, and productive. And they’re more likely to stay in their job.
Research shows a strong correlation between retention and recognition. “Yet a significant majority of employees (79%) don’t feel strongly valued for the work they put in.”
My top tip I shared with Smart Business Hacks:
Let Your Employees Tell You How to Do It
Ask your employees how they like to be appreciated. Everyone is different – from under-the-radar, sincere emails to loud-and-clear public displays. You’ll go much further keeping employees engaged if you take the time to find out their preferences in appreciation. Your employees will feel valued when your appreciation is meaningful and unique to them.
How do you appreciate others? What type of appreciation helps you feel valued? What one thing can you do today to show appreciation for someone who deserves it?
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